Dj Looney Tune

Dj Looney Tune

Ramses De Craene, A.k.a. D.J. Looney Tune begins his musical career as a Light Jockey in his hometown Wetteren in a comercial club “Danskotée Blitz,right at the time when Belgian New Beat rules the world in 1988.

After a while they ask him if he’d like to Djing”just to warm up the crowd”. This turned out to be so good that on a weekly basis. De Craene entertains roughly 3000 people at Dancing Xanadu (Wetteren), Most of them are swinging by after a nightly visit at Boccaccio Life(Destelbergen) & Club Balmoral (Ghent). He does this 3 years in a row. Meanwile he is also experimenting with lots of musical instruments he inherits from his father, The late Wim De Craene (past away in 1990) One of the best Singer – Songwriter Belgium ever had. 

Bonzai Records 1994 releases D.J. Looney Tune first record “Beatbox”.Soon after that De Craene resides at renowned like Clubs as Extreme (Affligem),Zillion (Antwerp),Zenith(Gistel)Mega Temple (Destelbergen). Hit records for De Craene are pilling up the Dancecharts all over the world with Jumpin & Pumpin,The Egg, Hard Beatz, Oddworld,Freeze... He has a Top 3 hit in Germany with his smasching Club Hit “Workstation”. 

All of this make him a top player in the world of electronic dance music. Ramses is often nicknamed “The Retro King” because he is well loved and populair for his Retro House sets. For the son of a true Dutch Pop & Rock Legend Dance might seem a bit of an odd choice but if you listen carefully you&rsqu o;ll find his fathers signature in all of D.J. Looney Tune’s work.


Danskotéé Blitz (Wetteren - 88 - 91) Dancing Xanadu (Wetteren - 91 - 93) Bonzai Records (1994 - 2002) Extreme On Saturday (Afliggem - 1998 - 99) Zillion On Friday (Antwerp - 1998 - 99) Mega Temple (Destelbergen - 2000) Club Zenith (Gistel - 1999 - 2001) Smashing Club Hits o.a. Beatbox, Jumping & Pumpin, Workstation, The Egg and many more. Projects: Repulsive 2, Phrenetic System, Freeze, Oddworld, The Bomb Squad, The Sync, Hard Beatz, Ramses, Jarvic 7 and many more. Co-producing & Writing with - Dj Bountyhunter - Frederico Santinni - M.i.k.e. Push - Laurent Veronez - T-99 Remixes Avancada,Electric Nature,Plastic boy,Diva Nova,Thunderbolt and many more.

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